What follows are the photos I took while visiting the event. It should be said that these form an overview with some personal bias. As such, there are more Porsche photos than any other!
Ascari Jensen Lotus Noble Porsche Strathcarron Trident TVR
Photos were taken with a Hanimex 35mm film camera. The local pharmacy (Trekpleister) developed the photos onto "Photo CD-ROM". I was expecting a Photo-CD as a result, but instead they just put JPEG files on the CD! The result is a lower quality output. Still it's better than scanning them in on a home scanner. The HTML code for the page was custom written by hand.
For more information on the Strathcarron, visit the Strathcarron web site.
Check out of the Trident Iceni two seater sports car at the Trident web site. There is a second web site that may also work.